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How to Travel With Toiletries

Do you need six different hair products, or are you able to pick only one? Instead of carrying creams and razors, what if you shave before the trip? Can you bring toothpaste instead of nail polish? How many items do you need to brush your hair?

Packing toiletries can become a real struggle if you tend to travel often. Even though you would like to pack only the essential, you end up overpacking. The best option is to come up with a plan to bring only what is necessary. First of all, let’s clarify what toiletries are. Travel Toiletries Products Banbury are different kinds of articles to wash, moisturize and take care of the human body, like beauty products and grooming items.

What toiletries should you bring with you?

The most important thing to know is exactly what you can bring in your luggage. Most airlines require liquid products of no more than 100 millilitres and all containers must be inside Ziplock bags. The items that contain more than 100 millilitres have to be in checked luggage. That is why you should avoid bringing liquids and replacing them by using travel wipes and solid toiletries.

Your bottles can explode or leak during a flight due to variations in pressure. When the plane takes off, the pressure will compress the bottle and eventually make it explode and leak. If you want to prevent any liquid from leaking you need to take off the cap, place some plastic wrap around the opening of the bottle before closing it again. This plastic seals any exit and prevents further leaks. You should always leave extra space inside the containers, so liquids do not get expelled. Never fill the bottles until the top, only 75%.

How to pack your toiletries

Start by taking out all your cleaning products. Which one should you take with you on your trip? Select everything you think you will need and place them in one of these four categories:


Not required


Not applicable

There will be some things non-negotiable like your favourite face moisturizer or shampoo. But remember all the space and weight that you can save if you minimize and eliminate certain items.

You can use the lotion and shampoo provided by the hotel. If you are not sure whether your hotel offers free travel toiletries such as razors, hairdryer, shower gel, toothpaste, etcetera, check its website or call them directly.

To ensure you do not forget anything, you can create a checklist. Try to include several categories to pack more efficiently. After writing your list, create two groups: the first one for products that you do not need, and the second one for products that you will use.

One good way to reduce the number of travel toiletries is to select multi-use products. You will be surprised to know how many items can be reused for various needs. Products such as coconut oil can be applied as a body moisturizer.

You should also be aware of how much product you use. Once you get a better picture of what you need, then you can start to pack. You can test and verify that everything fits perfectly in your luggage. If your things do not fit, try to downsize your toiletries just a little bit more and start getting ready for your upcoming trip!

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