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Every Art Enthusiast Should Have These Items

People have different hobbies based on their personalities. Craft loving people require a lot of stuff to fulfill their needs. From paintbrushes to pencils, many things are essential for making a perfect art or craft piece.

Art lovers draw and paint, and for these certain things need to be present at hand all the time. This blog contains a list of all the Painting Items Leicester required by an art enthusiast.

Pencils: The most basic thing done before making an art piece is to draw a rough structure. This rough structure can’t be drawn using a pen or sketch. You need a pencil so if things go wrong you can always rub the errors and retry.

Pencils are also used for sketching. A 2B pencil is usually used for general shading work, a 4H for lighter and a 6B for dark shades.

Drawing Sheets: Even if you have all the drawing stuff but lack a sheet, everything seems useless. A drawing sheet is a paper on which all your work will need to be done. You don’t need a canvas paper or large sheet as used by professionals. Just normal and inexpensive ones will be good.

Kneaded Eraser: Apart from a white regular eraser, you also need a kneaded eraser. Such erasers can take any shape that you wish to give them. They are useful especially in cases when you need to erase small details. These erasers also prove to be beneficial for giving shaded effects.

Painting Paper Pads: After drawing or sketching the next step that comes is painting. For this, you would need a heavier paper stock. If you use watercolours more then pre-stretched pads can be a good option for you. Stretched papers prevent water colours from pooling.

Paint: This is one of the important necessities of an art enthusiast. Beginners do not need to buy acrylic or other expensive colours. All you need is one tube of blue, white, yellow, red, and green each. You can further mix them and create different shades.

Brushes: You will definitely need something to apply paint with. Brushes come in different varieties depending on the type of paint you are using. For watercolours you may need:

A medium / large-sized flat brush which is usually 3/4 inches.

A round brush for regular painting.

A liner brush for painting small details.

For acrylic paints you require:

A flat brush for painting backgrounds and large surfaces.

A liner brush for minor details.

A filbert for regular painting.

Colour Palette: Colour palettes can be used to use colours separately. This also prevents the wastage of colours. Also, palettes are easy to wash. Apart from that, these save your watercolour bottles from getting damaged. No excess amount of water can enter your colour if you use a palette.

Since now you have all the required essentials, now you are ready to try your hand at art.

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